SproutVideo Blog

SproutVideo Blog

Working with large video libraries is often needlessly complicated and frustrating. Old content gets forgotten, videos are hard to find, and you may even have some duplicates in there. Here are 10 simple ways you can streamline video management to ensure your expansive video collection stays organized, secure, and easy to explore for your viewers.

Large Pile of Video Cassettes

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We are on a roll with new features this year, and are really excited to introduce two enterprise-level video security features. SproutVideo now offers IP Address restriction and single-sign-on (SSO) to help larger companies keep their extensive video libraries secure. Both of these new video security features are intended to be used in conjunction with our video websites feature, which we also upgraded recently. Keep reading for details on how to access and leverage these great new video privacy features to help keep your video content secure.

New Enterprise Video Security Features

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New MailChimp integration for video marketing with SproutVideo

We were very busy over the holiday break! Today, we are introducing a great new feature that has been very popularly requested. You can now sync up our awesome email capture feature directly to a list in MailChimp. The best part is that requiring an email address to view a video is no longer solely tied to our video engagement metrics, meaning you can use this popular video marketing feature if you have a MailChimp account regardless of whether you have video engagement metrics enabled for your account. Read on for more details about this exciting new integration.

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Today, we are very excited to release a powerful new site editing tool and some beautiful themes for our brandable video websites beta. These features have been a long time coming, and we’re super psyched to finally be able to show them off. Anyone who is already in the beta automatically has access to these new features, and anyone interested in testing them out just has to email us to get them enabled for their account.

New Video Site Editor

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The specific location where you film your next project is of utmost importance to the final product. Your chosen space will impact everything from the screenplay, to the audio and visual setup of your shoot. Here are the key environmental elements to be aware of, and ways to adapt to them to ensure the best possible outcome for your project.

Framing a landscape with hands

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Here at SproutVideo, we have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, like our new office space, new team members, and most of all, our loyal customers. We are also very grateful for hilarious turkey videos, and our favorites are featured below. Enjoy!

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As a fellow small business owner for several years, I know that finding enough time to do everything can be quite challenging. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day. I am always searching for a way to make my life easier. This is when I discovered user-generated content.

Person taking a video of a violinist with a smartphone

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Online video is synonymous with viral cat videos and charity campaigns that seek to reach as many people as possible. At the opposite end of the spectrum, however, there are many types of videos that should not be shared by anyone except authorized viewers. For instance, employee training videos, internal company communications, or videos intended only for paying customers. At best, you may feel overexposed, at worst, your company’s intellectual property could be compromised or your paid content devalued. Here is our guide to leveraging the most powerful video security tools available to protect your content.

Worried Employee In Front of Computer

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When talking about online video, cat videos and viral campaigns like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge immediately come to mind. However, as a communication medium, there is nothing more effective than video, making it particularly appealing as a tool for employee training. Importantly, video can save a substantial amount of time and money for businesses undertaking a major training program. Read on for our top five tips for making smarter employee training videos.

Employee Training

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Inbound marketing is the art and science of attracting people to your site, and converting them to leads, customers, and finally, promoters or brand ambassadors. It is comprised primarily of keyword, search, social and content strategies, although earning referrals from complementary sites is abolutely relevant as well.

The idea is to be present and appealing whenever and wherever your prospects are hunting for something you sell. Having caught their eye, you further intrigue them with content that adds value, for free, but might require some contact information, like an email address. Once you have a relationship with them, you continue to provide value until they are ready to reward you for all your hard work by paying for it. This isn’t an argument for a freemium model, but rather a great example of how video reduces friction in your inbound marketing funnel, increasing conversion rates and cost of acquisition.

What is Content Marketing - Definition

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